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    Tanzania... heaven on earth!

    Tanzania... heaven on earth! 

    United Republic of Tanzania Vector Map vecteur images
    tanzania's map

       Tanzania has scenic tourism in general, and is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Africa and even the world. If your next destination is tourism in Tanzania, we advise you to read this article and learn the most important information about this beautiful country.

    Before traveling to Tanzania:
    Where is Tanzania located? The Republic of Tanzania is located in the eastern side of Central Africa, bordered by Uganda and Kenya to the north, and the Indian Ocean to the east While Congo, Rwanda and Burundi border it to the west and in the south it is bordered by Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi. The capital of Tanzania is Dodoma, while Dar es Salaam is the largest and most famous city. Traveling to Tanzania requires a visa, which can be obtained by checking with the Tanzania embassy in your country. The official currency in Tanzania is the Tanzanian shilling and the official language in Tanzania is Swahili as well as English. 

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    What are the best travel times to Tanzania?
     The best time to visit Tanzania is between May and September.

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    How long is the tourism in Tanzania? 
    The sufficient period for tourism in Tanzania and a visit to the most beautiful tourist areas in Tanzania is a week.

    Let us now know the most beautiful tourist destinations in Tanzania, which are: Tourism in Zanzibar The island of Zanzibar in Tanzania is characterized by the beauty of its nature, which appears on white sand beaches and palm trees that fill it. Zanzibar is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Finally, do not forget to bring your family with you and enjoy with them the magic of nature in Africa. They are not as they say to you. Tanzania, as it is visited by tourists from all over the world to enjoy the practice of various water activities such as diving, surfing, canoeing and many others.


    finaly, do not forget to bring your family with you, and enjoy with them the magic of nature in africa. they are not as they say to you!

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