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    The most famous African animal

    The most famous African animal
    حيوانات افريقيا البرية – مفهرس

     The African continent is characterized by a wild life rich in many animals of unique species. Every safari traveler dreams about meeting each of these animals. Below is a review of the most famous wild animals that have spread to the brown continent. Let's get to know her together ...

         1-The African Lion

    لماذا باتت أسود غرب إفريقيا مهددة بالانقراض؟ | منوعات | نافذة DW ...

    The lion is the second largest cat after the tiger. Hear his roar in the savanna for 8 kilometers. It is mainly active at dusk and at dawn. And he can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Lions are the most social of all representatives of the cat family. They live in pride, consisting of 5 to 10 adults. Lions can be found in abundance in national parks such as Serengeti, Masai Mara and Kruger.

           2-African elephant

    الفيل من اكبر حيوانات افريقيا - سحر الكون

    Since the elephant is the largest wild animal on the planet, many safari tourists can meet these semi-desert animals in a variety of landscapes, including deserts. Although they are inherently peaceful animals, they can be very dangerous if provoked. Elephants are herbivores, consume about 170 kg of plant foods daily and drink up to 190 liters of water.

         3. Giraffe

    تحميل خلفيات الزرافات, أفريقيا, الزرافة كل د, بحيرة لسطح المكتب ...

    The giraffe is the tallest animal on earth. The height of the males reaches 5.5 - 6.1 m and weighs 900 - 1200 kg. Females are usually smaller and lighter. It looks clumsy and bulky, but at the same time it jumps really well, overcoming barriers that are 1.85m high, and you might think it's easy to find it on a safari. But it is not. Its color blends perfectly with the surrounding landscape. In total, 9 subspecies of this animal were distinguished.

         4. African tiger

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    Leopard is the most secretive of this group. Males weigh up to 60 kg, and females slightly less - 40 kg. Color may vary by habitat. It hunts mainly at night, and during the day it usually sleeps on tree branches. Tigers are single animals that swim and run fast and are able to pull their prey 3 times their body weight on a tree.

         5. African rhino

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    In Africa, two types of rhino are distinguished: black and white. They differ not in color, as one might think, but in the structural features of the body. Their number is rapidly declining due to poachers. To date, there are about 4,000 black rhinos left, 17,000 white ones. They are one of the heaviest land mammals, the weight of an adult white rhino can reach about 4 - 4.5 tons, black is much less than 2 -2.2 tons.

          6. Cheetah

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    Cheetahs are the most graceful of large cats. The mass of an adult is 35 - 55 kg. They are the fastest land animals in the world. Their speed reaches 112 km / h. Despite their agility, cheetahs very often yield prey to more powerful predators. Their number is steadily declining, at the moment there are about 5,000 cheetahs in the world.

    And do not forget that Africa abounds with many types other than this. Let you discover it for yourself on a nearby visit ...

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